20,241 research outputs found

    Academic Adjustment and Resilience in Mature Age and School Leaver University Students : A Review of the Literature & Differences in Resilience and University Adjustment Between School Leaver and Mature Age University Students

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    This paper reviews the literature related to the transition and adjustment of school leaver and mature age students to university. It is suggested that the transition to university is a major life transition and thus is a period of great stress (Larose, Bernier, & Tarabulsy, 2005). For mature age students and school leaver students, the impacts upon adjustment to university are varied during the transition to university study (Cantwell, Archer, & Bourke, 2001; Challis, 1976; Justice & Dornan, 2001). First this review defines who mature age and school leaver students are in the context of universities. Second, the resilience literature is reviewed with particular attention paid to academic resilience and its relationship to mode of study for students. Lastly the differences between school leaver and mature age students are discussed and reviewed in terms of the adversity faced when transitioning into university and how each type of student adjusts differently to the new academic context

    Measuring Competences in School-leaver Surveys

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    The measurement of competences is a relatively new topic in the economic science. In the past, economists have usually measured worker competences by educational background, tenure, or other simple quantifiable indicators. In the transition from the industrial to the knowledge economy, however, this classical approach has become rather unsatisfactory. Individual labour market performance is no longer dependent on just the individual’s initial education, since todays labour market requires continuous learning and development throughout the career. Employability has become a key concept in the knowledge economy, and the traditional lifetime employment career in a single firm has been replaced by what has been termed the protean career (Hall and Moss, 1998). In such a career, the person, not the firm, is the managing agent. In order to measure or predict career success, uni-dimensional indicators such as educational background that economists have used in the past are no longer sufficient. In the modern economy, skills and knowledge are the main factors in production, and the measurement of competences is a logical step in determining and predicting individual labour market success more accurately and reliably.education, training and the labour market;

    Destinations of leavers from Scottish schools : 1997-1998 to 1999-2000

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    "This is a new bulletin providing information about the destinations of leavers from Scottish schools. The information in this publication was previously supplied in a report entitled ‘Leaver Destinations from Scottish Secondary Schools‘ which was issued by the former Audit Unit of Her Majesty’s Inspector of Schools. The bulletin contains information on the destinations of school leavers from secondary schools in Scotland, including independent and grantaided schools. Summary information for education authorities and for Scotland is also shown" -- page 1

    Contrasting Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Early School Leaver Rates in Canada

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    Data analysis is critical to educational planning. Determining the number of school leavers is crucial for a school board when planning for interventions and supports. In researching the number of early school leavers in the province of Prince Edward Island, the method in which the data were reported affected the rates. Two critical considerations should be looked at when reporting or analyzing school leaver rates: the definition of a school leaver, and whether the data collected are cross-sectional or longitudinal. This paper explores these two elements.L’analyse des données est essentielle à la planification des services éducationnels. En ce sens, déterminer le nombre de décrocheurs est un processus crucial pour planifier les interventions et les initiatives de support au sein des commissions scolaires. Dans le cadre de recherches sur le nombre de décrocheurs précoces à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, il s’est avéré que la méthode de présentation des données influence les taux de décrochage rapportés. En fait, deux considérations importantes doivent être considérées lors du compte-rendu ou de l’analyse des taux de décrochage : la définition d’un décrocheur et la manière dont les données ont été recueillies (transversale ou longitudinale). Cet article explore ces deux dimensions

    Continuity and Care: Strategies to Affect Factors of Teacher Retention and Wellbeing in an International School Setting

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    This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) critically analyzes how to create and foster the type of positive organizational culture where new international teachers can thrive in an international school setting. Through teacher and school wide surveys, one-on-one conversations and teacher feedback forms from this organization, data indicates that educators who have moved to teach abroad face obstacles and can struggle to manage their teaching loads while undergoing the mental and emotional stress associated with adjusting to a new home and culture. The proposed plan will focus on organizational culture, defined as the normative values, behaviors and assumptions that are shared by the school community and that shape the leaders and members within it. This will be guided by what it means to be an arriver, a stayer and a leaver in a school (Hallinger & Leithwood, 1996; Harris 2016; Ota, 2014; Schein, 2000). This OIP seeks to gather data and research about congeniality and collegiality, as well as on what individual new teachers need in order to feel support, comfort and belonging when living and working away from home. This plan will draw from multiple leadership frameworks, models and perspectives, including a hybrid of servant leadership and adaptive leadership, Kotter’s (2014) 8-Step Change Model as well as Bolman and Deal’s (2013) human resources and symbolic frames. As a change agent and leader within the organization, my goal in planning is to critically analyze information through a cultural lens to effectively address the identified problem of practice. Keywords: organizational culture, new international teacher, arriver, stayer, early leaver, leaver, expatriate, congeniality, collegiality, adaptive care, discussion, dialogu

    School leaver destinations and personal skills development : consultation analysis. February 2020

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    Professional adapting of a vocational training school leaver

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    У статті розглядаються проблеми адаптації молодого робітника або працівника до нових умов на виробництві або в організації, який недавно за-кінчив ПТНЗ. Аналізуються особливості адаптаційної роботи й функції кері-вника й менеджера у цьому процесі.В статье рассматриваются проблемы адаптации молодого рабочего или работника, недавно закончившего ПТУЗ, к новым условиям на производ-стве или в организации. Анализируются особенности адаптационной рабо-ты и функции руководителя и менеджера в этом процессе.The article deals with the problems of adaptation of a young worker who has just finished vocational training school to new conditions at the enterprise or or-ganization. The particularities of the work on adaptation and the director’s and manager’s functions are analyzed